20 at Mandalay Bay, when Crawford receives that step up tussle he’s been long craving. Is the good will warranted? We have high profile, highly-anticipated fights on the books, tonight at T-Mobile and on PPV, on November 6 when Canelo shows Caleb Plant that beating the Mike Lees and Cousin Vinny Feigenbutzes doesn’t prepare you to do battle with an Alvarez, and on Nov.

They held the Terence Crawford-Shawn Porter sorta super-fight press conference Saturday, hours before a lil superfight in itself, the third Tyson Fury v Deontay Wilder faceoff.Īnd it felt good to take it in, it felt like maybe boxing is getting out of its own way more so, and that we may well be over the camel hump with COVID, and are largely past the pandemic disrupting the momentum the sweet science has been lacking for the last two years.